Segmentation strategies in operational marketing

In operational marketing, there are several strategies to deploy in order to ensureĀ  success in the field. Segmentation is one of these techniques that will allow you to reach your company's sales objectives. But what is segmentation really? What are the different segmentation techniques? And how to implement this strategy? Take the time to read carefully to get the answers to these questions.

What is segmentation in operational marketing?

Segmentation is one of the most widely used methods in operational marketing. It is the action of dividing the market of a company into different categories of potential targets in order to determine them and identify the needs of each of them. Segmentation essentially consists of grouping customers into several segments with the aim of getting to know them and categorizing them according to predefined criteria that they have in common. It is therefore a practically effective strategy if you want to make the most of your market. Knowing the different needs of each type of customer will help you understand what kind of products or services are best suited for them, so that you can have more customers and generate a lot of sales.

What are the different segmentation techniques?

There are four types of segmentation techniques in operational marketing. To begin with, segmentation based on behavioral criteria by grouping each customer segment according to the behaviors they have in common such as the type, nature and frequency of purchases they usually make. There is also segmentation through demographic criteria where each target is assembled according to their age range, gender, income and social status. Among others is segmentation by psychological criteria that each category of potential customers share. It has to do with their motivation, their personality and their preference. Finally, segmentation according to geographical criteria, which consists of associating targets who live in the same place with the operational marketing strategies that suit them.

How to implement segmentation in marketing?

Normally, each company first defines the different segmentation criteria they will use according to their business and operational marketing objective. Then, the next step is to establish the segmentation of potential targets based on the predefined conditions they must fulfill. However, it is important to note that each category of potential customers must contain precise qualitative and quantitative information which should be reliable and usable for marketing operators.

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