How to choose the most effective communication channels for an operational marketing campaign?

In general, many communication channels that allow a company to carry out an operational marketing campaign are available: flyers, leaflets, television, posters, press, community management, etc. However, it is difficult to use all of them, because this requires a considerable investment for the company. To avoid unpleasant   surprises, it is advisable to select the most relevant communication channels for the   company. But how to proceed to make the right choice of these communication tools?

Determine the objectives of the company's communication

Before choosing a communication channel for your company, it is important to consider the different advantages of developing an operational marketing strategy for your company. It is also necessary to define the ultimate objective of this communication. The objectives of communication undoubtedly vary according to the stage of growth of the company. Companies in the process of creation seek to make themselves known to their target audience. Sometimes, these establishments have rather limited financial means. Relying on digital communication seems to be an advantageous solution for such companies which are in process of creation. Influence marketing and social media allow them to build their e-notoriety. In this case, it is essential to create an optimized website.

Targeting your customers

Before picking its communication channels, the company must know its target customers. Whether it is a question of obtaining new customers or building customer loyalty, you must always know your interlocutor. There are many features to consider in order to target your customers: socio-professional category,  marital status (married, single, divorced, etc.), living environment (city, rural area, etc.), gender, age and many others. All these criteria allow you to have a more or less precise idea on the communication supports to adopt.

Consider the message to be conveyed

Before proceeding with the implementation of a communication plan, you must know your communication axis. In other words, you must establish a quality message that is consistent with the type of customers you wish to target. Be aware that each communication channel has its own characteristics. For example, each tool allows you to communicate through a multi-channel strategy or a cross- channel strategy. A multi-channel strategy usually incorporates many classic media such as the press. If you want to implement a social media strategy, then you have to go for visual publications with more impact. A TV ad includes both a message communication and an image.

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